Project Update: Interiors!

I’ve been working on the residential masonry building over the weekend. I’ve finalized the interiors of the four apartments and I’ve completed the first floor exterior as well. It now sits in it’s unfinished state in the city. I’ve realized that I will probably run out of light grey 1×1 SNOT (Studs Not On Top) bricks before I get the second floor done. I’m now contemplating building the roof and add in the second floor later on.

4 thoughts on “Project Update: Interiors!

  1. Looking good, Jakob. It always impresses me how you are able to get such good, authentic-looking camera shots! ๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ‘

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    1. Thanks a lot RT! It’s a combination of getting really-really close with the camera, a flexible lamp and some filters ๐Ÿ˜€ And cropping – lots and lots of strategic cropping ๐Ÿ˜€ There’s no roof on the house in the green picture and the window-frame is actually in-shot. But I cropped my way out of it. You can see a little bit of reflection at the bottom right of that picture actually ๐Ÿ˜€

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    1. Yeah, I really love how gold, white and dark red go together. It’s amazing! Even regular red goes well with those two other colors. Look at sport teams like San Francisco 49’ers – gold, red and white! It’s just great ๐Ÿ™‚


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